I remember it like it was yesterday. Standing in your doorway, saying goodbye to your mamma and you, and you threw your arms around me, squeezed, and told me you loved me for the first time. It's hard to believe that was 8 years ago, and that you are already 16. Part of me wants to go back to when you were 8 - when you had more time to hang out, back when you thought I was cool. :) But another part of me is ok with you being 16 and DRIVING (really, driving), and being too busy to get ice cream, and all the stuff that goes along with being a teenager. You are such an amazing kid Hannah. To say I love you, well, it hardly touches the surface of how much I care about you. It would be humanly impossible to love you more than I do. I am so freakin proud of who you are, what you have accomplished, and who you are turning into. I am so excited to see where you will go in this world and all that you will do. I hope you know that know matter how grown up you become, or where this world takes you, I will always drop everything at the opportunity to take you for ice cream. Happy Birthday.
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