I am going to be perfectly honest here. Before I met Andrea and her family, I was nervous! Very, very nervous. My friend Diane said such nice things about me to Andrea, I didn't think I could live up to the hype. I am still not sure I did, but I am keeping my fingers crossed! Here are a few from this past Sunday. I still have lots and lots more to go through (about 500) but wanted to post a few so Andrea could get a sneak peak.
I can't explain it. I know the photo is out of focus. I know it. But I still love it. It just screams happiness and innocence to me. Maybe I am crazy. Maybe I am the only one who sees it. Maybe everyone else looks at it and says "um, does she know it is out of focus?" - but I see it and it is one of my favorites of all time.
My father in law took this picture - but I just had to share. It seems Harley gets all the attention because she is so big ...but these dogs are just as cute (if not cuter).
I took this picture over a year ago. I called up a friend and asked if I could 'practice' on her two year old. I walked away from that shoot doubting I had any talent what so ever. These pictures have been on my laptop the last year and I have only sent 2-3 of the photos to her mama. Do you ever have those kind of days? Where you doubt you are any good? Where you think that no matter how hard you try, that you aren't ever going to be "good enough" at whatever it is that you do? I struggle with thinking I am "good enough" on a pretty regular basis. Thankfully I have friends that email me and ask me to take pictures of their little one for her third birthday, even when I haven't given them the pictures from last year's 2nd birthday shoot. Thanks Gena. I promise this year you will get your pictures.
Tonight she knocked my laptop onto the floor and for a while there, it looked like it might be toast. I have to admit, for a few minutes, I wanted her to run away. But all is good and I forgive you Ms. Harley and I still love you. Just don't let it happen again...
I met Laurie when I was 14 years old. I had just moved from Wisconsin to KC to live with my dad and his family. Did I mention this was the first time I had ever met my dad? I didn't even know I had half siblings. To say I was an emotional mess would be an understatement. I left the only life I had ever known, all my friends, my half brother I had grown up with thinking he was my real brother, and my mom to live with my dad. Again, did I mention I was an emotional mess?! I got on the school bus for my first day of my Freshman year not knowing what to expect and scared out of my ever freaking mind! I was the first person picked up, so I sat all the way in the back, trying to hide. The third or so stop was Laurie and her sister Debbie. Laurie got on the bus and headed right towards the back and started talking to me. Yep, just like that. Didn't she know I was trying to hide? I will leave out the part where she made fun of my 'accent' :) None the less, I was glad to have a friendly face talking to me. During the three years I lived with my dad, she was one of my favorite people. At the end of my junior year, I moved back to Wisconsin and Laurie and I would only talk once in a while. Over the years, we lost touch totally. Twenty years later, through modern technology (Facebook), we reconnected. I had the pleasure of meeting her kids for the first time this past weekend. It warms my heart to see my old friend with kids of her own. Today's post is dedicated to old friends who haven't seen you in 20 years, but still hug you when they see you and make you feel like it was just yesterday you were sitting in their basement watching Purple Rain - over and over and over again.
I live in Kansas City. I am a wife, photographer and mother to four of the sweetest dogs you will ever know. OK, only two are sweet. But I still love the hyper one and the "mean" one. In my spare time I love to hang out with my husband, traveling to new places and experiencing new things. I have some of the best girlfriends a person could ask for and I count my blessings every day.
Call me if you want to schedule a photo shoot - 913-481-7658 or email me at michellesparks@hotmail.com.
And I love comments - it lets me know people are reading this blog - so feel free to leave me some love. Or some constructive feedback. Or just say hi!